Save thousandson your dream degree
Calculating your savings
The smartest path to a degree
Same degree, lower cost
Tasseled plans save students an average of $32,800 by creating cost-effective pathways to degrees.
Our plans only recommend classes that will count towards your university degree, meaning you’ll never waste your time or money.
Simplify college decisions
Most college search and planning tools offer information that is irrelevant, outdated, or both.
Tasseled isn’t like most tools. Using data current to the latest academic year, our plans provide all the information you need to make difficult decisions easy.
Planning, made personal
No two people share the same college journey.
That’s why we reject the cookie-cutter approach most services provide. Tasseled creates semester-by-semester academic plans that serve your unique needs.
Starting is simple
Build a Tasseled plan
Create a path specific to your dream school, major, and location.
Take community college classes
Earn credits towards your degree at a fraction of the cost.
Transfer to your dream school
Complete any remaining courses to finish your degree.
Graduate with savings
Start your career without the stress of student debt!
Why we’re doing this
We’re a small team who struggled to navigate and pay for college. It was overwhelming, complicated, and expensive. There’s no reason why future students should have to go through the same experiences.
That’s why we built Tasseled, a tool that does all the research and planning for you. By leveraging community college courses, Tasseled saves students thousands on their dream degrees, making it the smartest way to get an education.
It didn’t take us long to realize the potential impact Tasseled could have on the student debt crisis. Since then, it’s been our mission to help students earn their dream degrees while eliminating student debt at scale, and it’s a mission we hope to advance with the right partners.
See how you can help